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Make Informed Choices

How to make choices during pregnancy

During pregnancy lots of mothers and couples have to take decisions almost about anything. Sometimes it is exciting, for instance when you have to think about names or nursery furnitures, but sometimes it can be daunting, like when you have to choose something that regards your baby's birth. It is not always easy to be always confident in what to do, especially when it seems there are only few, and not very clear, options.

Before deciding anything, it is better to wait and look for information. You can read scientific articles, books, ask to professionals and refer trusted resources. Only when you have all the elements you needed you can make the best choice possible.


Here you can find some interesting links to articles, books about specific topics and websites about common issues during pregnancy. 

Articles, Books, Websites

Breech Baby


Usually, when there is a breech baby, a C-section is the only option available.

But, is it?

Not always, and these articles could be very useful to mothers that want to make an informed choice.


Sarah Wickham - Gathering together of research


AIMS - Northern breech conference: Breech birth - making choice a reality


International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics - Does breech delivery in an upright position instead of on the back improve outcomes and avoid cesareans?


PubMed - Supporting Women Planning a Vaginal Breech Birth: An International Survey


Shawn Walker - No more ‘hands off the breech’


Dr. Stuart Fischbein, MD, FACOG - Breech birth at home: a new study of safety outcomes


Midwifery -Midwives’ Views on Breech Birth





Breech Birth Network

Group B Strep (GBS)


Are you thinking about doing a test for GBS? What to do in case of being tested positive? There are different views on this and making a choice could be difficult. Be well informed to make the best decision for you.


Sarah Wickham - Group B Strep resources


Cochrane - Intrapartum antibiotics for known maternal Group B streptococcal colonization


Dr Rachel Reed - The Human Microbiome: considerations for pregnancy, birth and early mothering


McMaster University - Antibiotics administered during labor delay healthy gut bacteria in babies


Harvard University - How Antibiotics Disrupt Babies’ Microbiomes



Sarah Wickham - Group B Strep Explained

Older Mothers


Too often pregnant women around 40 years old, and sometimes from 35 years old, are told that interventions are strongly advisable when they will give birth. These articles can enlighten you in order to make an informed choice.


Sarah Wickham - Questioning induction of labour in older women (part 1) Questioning induction of labour in older women – part 2


AIMS - Induction and age


Yun WangTom TanboThomas Åbyholm, and  Tore Henriksen - The impact of advanced maternal age and parity on obstetric and perinatal outcomes in singleton gestations



Rachel Reeds - Why Induction Matters

Bettina Gordon-Wayne - The Joy of Later Motherhood: Your Natural Path to Healthy Babies Even in Your 40s

Amali Lokugamage - The Heart in the Womb

Small Babies for Gestational Age


If you've being told that your baby is small for his gestational age, read these articles about it.



Sarah Wickham - Trying to identify small babies during pregnancy may do more harm than good…


Monier, B Blondel, A Ego, M Kaminiski, F Goffinet, J Zeitlina - Poor effectiveness of antenatal detection of fetal growth restriction and consequences for obstetric management and neonatal outcomes: a French national study


RCOG - Having a small baby



Rachel Reeds - Why Induction Matters


Ultrasound Scans (USS)


Lately, pregnant women are doing more and more scans. Are they totally safe? 



Dr. Sarah Buckley - Ultrasound Scans in Pregnancy


Dr. Sarah Buckley - Ultrasound Scans- Cause for Concern


Sarah Wickham - Midwives’ views on ultrasound…


AIMS - Ultrasound - weighing the propaganda against the facts; Who says ultrasound is safe?



Dr. Sarah Buckley - Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering


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